Xiaomi has updated its low-cost workhorse Redmi series with the new Redmi 7. Compared to the Redmi 6, which was less than a year old, the Redmi 7 has a more powerful processor, bigger screen, and new plastic body with optional gradient designs, in keeping with current trends. This phone does seem to tick all the boxes in terms of matching or exceeding the features and specifications that other manufacturers are tempting buyers with right now. The price for the base model is very attractive, but we don't really see how the higher-priced variant, with just 1GB more RAM, makes a lot of sense.

The Redmi 7 is an all-rounder that doesn't have any one major headlining feature, but it does well at nearly everything. The 6.26-inch HD+ screen is immersive and will make media and games look good, even if it isn't the best. The 4000mAh battery is more than enough to get you through a full day. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 SoC did very well in our tests. The cameras are serviceable, and the rear 12-megapixel primary camera impressed us in daylight shots, but low-light performance was weak. Xiaomi also continues to stuff its MIUI skin and its own apps with ads, which can get very annoying.

Overall, the Redmi 7 is a very strong device that delivers solid performance and has no deal-breaking flaws, and offers fantastic value for money.